Thursday, February 7, 2013

Colorado Skiing February 2013

If your ideal vacation is one where the kids don't fight, kids eat perfectly and have wonderful manners all the time.  One where kids go to sleep the moment you tell them then this vacation wasn't it!!
If your ideal vacation is one where kids experience the beauty of God's creation, have a great time, learn to ski and enjoy the snow country at Copper Mountain.  One where the parents share the duties of kids and still get to ski themselves then this was that kind of vacation. 

Seeing Patrick learn to go downhill by himself was priceless!! (We will save stopping for another time :))
Seeing Eliana be our little snow bunny was equally priceless!
So all in all when you add up the costs, the effort, the situations you end up with only one thing left to say.  Thank You God for a priceless week at Copper Mountain Colorado.
Enjoy the video of our time here
Colorado2013 from Jim Turner on Vimeo.

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