I have been up in Crestline (San Bernadino Mountains) since Wednesday waiting for Patrick's arrival. Jim has now joined me for the weekend, and we are staying in the guest home of the Gatons Family, who are friends of a friend in our small group at Compass. It has been beautiful and wonderful to have a few days of solitude, and I am glad that Jim can be local for a couple of days as well.
As for Stephanie's contractions, they are full strength and 10 (or so) minutes apart from about 4 p.m. until 2 a.m., and then they tend to stop. So she is progressing, albeit slowly. Since Patrick's earliest due date is not until 9-25, we are still early, even though it seems to be taking forever! Our birth family is doing well and hopefully we will be able to see them briefly while we are in Crestline (assuming the baby doesn't arrive today!)
It has been a good week of waiting on the Lord's timing and listening to His leading to keep the anxiety at bay. These mountains are so beautiful, and I have been able to slow down and enjoy these few days without a task list, because the time is coming when we will both be VERY busy with parenting tasks. God knows exactly what we need, and if I were at home in Aliso Viejo, I'd be spinning about all the things that need to get done before the baby arrives. But since I am not there, it's sort of "out of sight, out of mind." It will be good for Jim to enjoy some relax time as well.
As for Parenthood, we are definitely ready for it. My head is filled with all this book knowledge (which I will most likely have to throw out the window when it comes to practically working with our actual child,) but it is there nonetheless. I am excited about what God has for us along this journey, and I can't wait to meet the child that He has chosen for us. Hopefully, our next post will have stories and pictures of our new baby boy!